A Word on Winter

The start of every new year comes with the momentum of beginnings—the call of the illusive ‘next’ moving us forward towards our ever-changing aspirations.

As someone who intimately feels the pull of the natural world, the happenings of my life often align and move with the seasons. While many are jumping into 2023 with visions, goals, and resolutions, I am in the transitory middle, the depths of winter, where my urgency for continual growth must be surrendered to the darkness and trust in the unknown. 

Emergent strategist Adrienne Maree Brown reminds us that the compost that fuels our next move comes from the reality of letting that which must die, die. She reminds us that our cultural aversion to endings keeps us stuck as individuals, organizations, and a species living on a planet in continuous flux. If letting go is the work of Autumn air, learning to trust the gap is the wisdom of winter and perhaps the maturity of an embodied adult.

Making peace with impermanence is one of the essential contemplations on a spiritual path (Pema Chodron), asking us to find comfort within the discomfort. The invitation of this season to accept our being self with equal fervor as our doing selves, allowing the blankets of snow to alchemize all we have been with that of which we have yet to be.

The Autumn Goose team is in the midst of this cycle as we say goodbye to our podcast and reimagine ourselves for 2023.

It is in this transition that I want to take the time to wish Tanner James Holthe, our Chief Storyteller, the best of luck in his future endeavors as he moves forward with the creation of his dream, 'Unsung Productions,' a videography and storytelling company focused on helping not-for-profits, purpose-driven organizations, and individuals share their messages giving the unsung heroes of our society a chance to shine.

I want to encourage all members of the Autumn Goose Network to consider Unsung Productions for their next video project. Tanner has been my right-hand man and instrumental in helping build Autumn Goose into what it is today while helping me find my voice and tell the story of change. I am excited for Tanner to use his gifts to help other organizations do the same. 

Stay tuned as the snow thaws, and winter recedes for more updates on Autumn Goose.    


The Legend of Two Springs


A Journey Called Change (Video)