The Legend of Two Springs
Many Indigenous cultures say there are two springs—the first occurring underground, invisible from the surface, and easy to miss by the naked eye.
A Word on Winter
The start of every new year comes with the momentum of beginnings—the call of the illusive ‘next’ moving us forward towards our ever-changing aspirations.
A Journey Called Change
Not knowing how to go forward is the fundamental invitation of our lives. A place, often close to bottom, where we can either concretize, harshly doubling down on our beliefs OR reach for something different, doing that of which we have never done, to become that of which we have never been.
The Most Important Thing
“The Most Important thing is to remember the most important thing.” - Suzuki Roshi
Steps to Acceptance
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change” Carl R. Rogers
Patience and Growth
Could I be as patient as a flower waiting an entire year to bloom for a week or two? What if the flower isn’t waiting? I wonder to myself. What if every stage, even the moment of sweet release, returning to the earth, is a moment that matters?
Trust is a Verb
For those who dare greatly, the entrepreneurs, innovators, and those who illuminate the way home, forging their own path through the woods; the ones who live life on the razer edge between brilliant and crazy. You know who you are. This is for you.
Sacred Solitude
Most religious and spiritual traditions speak of both the challenge and benefit of self-imposed solitude.
Loving What is!
In January 2022 I sat down with my friend and colleague, Marilyn Poitras, to talk about goal setting for the year ahead. Somewhere in our dialogue she asked me to distill my ambitions to one discrete sentence. My response, “learning to love what is”.
What is Business Dharma?
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Work of Listening
There is an epidemic of righteousness under way. People are clutching their ideals tightly while justifying divisive action based on rebranded forms of fundamentalism and moralism.
Deconstructing the Metaphor
As the end of January rolls around I can’t help but think about the climax of a monthly challenge my wife and I have been participating in. Every year, without fail, we live one month of our life sans alcohol. We call it “Dry January,” and it feels appropriate after the social excess of the holiday season.
No is a sacred word
This year, more than resolutions, goals, and the never-ending external striving, I am setting the simple intention to live my days in ways that give my life the most meaning.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
This month’s musing is about the relationships that nourish our souls and provide the substance of our lives.
Here be Dragons
Early map makers were known for placing the phrase “here be dragons” on the uncharted reaches of historic drawings. The premise being that danger lies beyond that of which we know.
Into the Fire of Authenticity
“You’re exceptional,” said my past client over a casual birthday meeting. “Everyone’s exceptional” I responded, downplaying the comment, and deflecting the compliment the exact way I advise clients not to. Mumbling something along the lines of, “everyone is a genius in their own accord”.