Calling All Visionaries
When I first discovered the change equation it was a Eureka moment. This little formula (Vision x Dissatisfaction x Knowledge of First Steps > Resistance to Change)1 explained in one pseudo-equation why limited action was taking place on almost everything that bothered me about the disparity of our world. “OF COURSE,” I exclaimed while letting this formula sink in. “Nothing is changing because the masses, at least the masses that control the wealth, aren’t dissatisfied with the state of life”.
As I sit with the turbulence of this time, I find hope in the possibility of a radical societal transformation. A conscious pivot from where we have been to where we are going. For the first time in collective memory, global dissatisfaction is at a critical mass. Whether it be racial violence and inequality, the environmental crisis, or economic collapse, it is no longer possible for us to put our heads in the sand and turn away from the inherent flaws of our current paradigm. The system is unraveling, and the cost of building our houses on stolen land, on the backs of slave labour, and the consequences of never-ending growth is being revealed.
The silver lining to all of this is awareness. It is natural in the awakening process to feel both fear and shame. This, however, is not the final resting place. There is hope… and that hope strangely enough comes in the form of an equation. A simple formula that says when dissatisfaction is sky high a powerful vision mixed with right action is enough to surrender our comfort, enter the unknown, and embark on the journey of change.
We need powerful, inclusive visions. Visions that inspire, unite, and challenge our current thinking about the economy, the environment, each other, and what is possible when we refuse to accept the status quo. Change is required on all fronts, demanding both an internal reckoning, and external action.
I believe business has a vital role to play in this transformation and that conscious capitalism could be one of the vehicles to deliver this change. What does conscious capitalism look like? Conscious capitalism looks different across industry and business, but at its heart it is based on the premise that businesses can do well by doing good, and that businesses consider all stakeholders, including their employees, humanity, and the environment, in their decisions and dealings. Considering integrity and core values as equal facets to margins and growth.
How do we move forward when the answers seem so complex?
We stay with the big questions, refuse the easy answers, and allow radical inquiry inside the walls of our organizations and homes.
We listen to the voices (that we dismissed in the past as too progressive, altruistic, and or social leaning) as they share their vision forward.
We try dramatically different even when it seems scary, hard, or impossible.
We step out of our individual stories, both figuratively and literally, planting seeds for generations to come.
The universal dissatisfaction in which we are all feeling is not evidence of our impending doom, but rather a clear indication of the possibility of this moment. A once-in-a-millennium chance to overcome our natural resistance to change. Creating, from the seat of conscious awareness, a new system that works for all, instead of the privileged few.
Be brave, stay fierce, and turn towards the discomfort. The visionaries are on their way. Will you answer their call for change?
1. VDKS>R Model, or the Change Equation, originates from work done by David Gleicher circa 1969, alternate published by Richard Beckhard and Reuban Harris circa 1987, all pioneers in the OD Field.