Wild Love

There is a tenderness inside me this morning. As the rain falls and I sip my coffee. These are the moments I know I am close to the truth. I open my LinkedIn unable to look at the latest story of environmental and societal degradation from the World Economic Forum. I think of the garbage littering the streets on my morning run. Masks, fast food containers, and general refuse. Things once wanted now forgetting and thrown away.

Surly my heart cannot be the only one breaking, surely there are others that feel the call of our time? I squeeze myself tightly and remind myself that I am loved. I look up at the sky and ask out loud “what shall I do”?… The silence greets me like an old friend. A soft voice (I have come to know as my inner parent) whispers “Just keep going, opening, shifting, and showing up”.

The words of the great eco-philosopher Jonna Macy fill my consciousness “There is no reason to make our passionate love for our world dependent on what we think of its degree of health, whether we think it’s going to go on forever. Those are just thoughts anyway. But this moment you’re alive, so you can just dial up the magic of that any time.”

So today I offer my love and my tender heart. Reaching past fear for the courage to continue focusing on the things I can do verses the things I can’t. To live my “one wild and precious life” - Mary Oliver - as if it matters. To see beyond this moment and believe in the possibility of our species, the possibility of this time, and the promise that “if the world is to be healed through human efforts, it will be by ordinary people, whose love for this life is even greater than their fear” – Joanna Macy.    

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Naked, Like a Tree Awaiting Snow


The Best Life!