Words Create Worlds - Personal Musings in Turbulent Times

Where are you finding ground in these turbulent times? A question I asked a coachee during yesterday’s session. A question that since asking has been lingering in my own consciousness; the subsequent question being, can I access hope?

After spending the morning musing on these points, I have reached what feels like both ground and something that oscillates between peace and hope. Active hope, not the type of blind hope that naively assumes all will be ok. But a hope that is rooted in a deep knowing that in this moment, in this time, regardless of the human condition of unease welling up inside, the most likely prognosis for my life and collective society is that indeed, we will wake it through to the other side.

What else I know from sitting with my fear this morning is that words create worlds, and what I focus on will multiply. To which I am forced to ask myself, “who have I been throughout this challenging moment, and is that aligned with who I want to be and the world I want to create?” This one stung a bit, as alas my fear over the past few days has caused some incongruence between my values and my actions. I have caught myself spending too much time scrolling the headlines of fear and gloom, the words I have spoken have not always been helpful or kind, and damn it if my ego doesn’t LOVE the feeling of superiority in ‘staying out of the mass consciousness’.

Where to go from here? I am not sure, but I do know this: I make my best decisions when I am cognizant of my blessings, aware of my options, and focused on what I can control versus what I fear says I should avoid. I also know this, we are an incredibly imaginative species with a history of rising strong, and it is our shared humanity that will help us during this historical moment.

Sending love, peace and hope.


  • ‘Words Create Worlds’ is a concept introduced to me by Krista Tippett and The On Being team

  • ‘Active Hope’ is a concept coined by Joanna Macy, wise woman and ecophilosopher


Acceptance – Musing on a Historical Monday in March