Acceptance – Musing on a Historical Monday in March

Can I accept this? I think so, history and wisdom tell me that both myself and society has the fortitude and creativity to navigate through this unique time.

What if I can accept this? If I can accept that “here is a place too”, I can start to calmly understand the sequence of events, some in my control and some not, that have led to my now moment.

Where is the power in accepting this? This one I like; this opens my eyes to the lessons and the gifts available only here:

The Lessons… Perhaps the scientists are correct and, viruses are a natural ecosystem response to restoring balance…. AND… If the external world reflects my internal world, perhaps there are places and spaces where I too have been living out of balance.

The Gifts:

  1. If I can see where I have been out of balance, occasionally (or often)
    living outside the present moment, I can develop a practice to start forming
    new neural pathways and shift this.

  2. When I am present to the moment, I notice and saviour the beauty and simplicity
    in my life.  A partner that makes me laugh, a mother who eagerly awaits my weekly calls, a home to social distance in, and friends that check in just to say “hi”.

For me, acceptance is powerful. Acceptance allows me to separate from fear, ask myself what is most true, and create space around the possibility that this moment could go either way… We could be on the cusp of a great awakening, a radical re-imagining of common life OR it could go the other way.

The truth is, we don’t know. But who are we, if not up for an adventure and a challenge? We
were made for this. Made to stretch, made to believe, and made to remember the truth of possibility.

What becomes possible for you, when can you accept this moment?

Take care, stay safe, and keep dreaming.

Warm regards,


I want to thank my wise teacher and friend Carly Forest for reminding me in the dark of
my 2018 depression that “here is place too”.  

I want to thank my mentor, friend, and counsellor Sarah Sand for opening my eyes to personal freedom through the power of acceptance.


The Unknown is the Adventure


Words Create Worlds - Personal Musings in Turbulent Times